Search by city, state or whole country

Choose among the 4000+ categories of Google Maps, and target precisely by country, state, county or city in 195 countries.

Filter results with precision

You want to retrieve only companies that have an email and no Facebook page? The ones with a rating between 3.9 and 4.4 on Google Maps and less than 15 photos?

It's possible with our search filters.

Filter results with precision

You want to retrieve only companies that have an email and no Facebook page? The ones with a rating between 3.9 and 4.4 on Google Maps and less than 15 photos?

It's possible with our search filters.

Scraping in real time

No more bad data! isn't an old database scraped months ago and filled with obsolete and invalid data.

All extractions are done in real time from Google Maps, and you will always download up-to-date and valid data.

GDPR compliant

We only offer professional and publicly available data on the internet. The US and European laws authorise you to download and exploit these data for commercial purpose.

We keep track of every email, every phone number and on which page it was found.

GDPR compliant

We only offer professional and publicly available data on the internet. The US and European laws authorise you to download and exploit these data for commercial purpose.

We keep track of every email, every phone number and on which page it was found.
Try for free


Trusted by leading companies

What our customers say

Why did I not have this 2 years ago?

I was getting ready to pay a VA to scrape contact information for approximately 400 companies and was expecting to pay $0.30 per lead with a total turn around time of 24 hours. Due to delays in that project, I found and, this is no exaggeration, was able to scrape 11,734 companies in my niche in under 45 minutes.

This has been hands down one of the most efficient ways to search for prospects and collect contact information quickly.

Austin M.
CX Director
Marketing and Advertising
51-200 employees

Our Silver Bullet

We were very excited to find right at the time that we were doing research to deploy two online industry directories. What were missing was exactly what had to offer. The search capabilities is definitely a pro and also ease of use as well. The product's founders are hands on and work with you to help you make the most of the software.

John V.
1-10 employees

An amazing tool to find leads

A really usefull software to scrap leads from google maps, which enables you to find leads that don't have a website. Really usefull tool for marketing agencies.

What I like the most is the fact that it shows you if the company has a website or not, which is incredible for web design agencies because you can filter to search only companies that don't have a website and contact them to sell them a website.

Yussef C.
Managing Director
Marketing and Advertising

Our reviews

Ready to take off?

Try for free for 7 days and scrap up to 100 leads.